Kung Fu Cult Master
Opinions (from alt.asian-movies & e-mail)

From: David Kwong (daiwai@garnet.berkeley.edu)

KFCM is one of my favorite HK movies. Probably the only one(besides "The Killer" which I already have) which I would be willing to shell out the big money to purchase the LD. Jet-Li purists probably would not like this flick, because it does utilize the Yin-Jong-style kung fu with its high flying superhumans rather than emphasize Jet's natural abilities. Looking past that, however, you'll see a movie with excellent cinematography, great costumes, epic battle sequences, and an involving storyline. I showed this LD to my film class where we have some HK movie skeptics and naysayers, and while no one called it a masterpiece (it did end kind of suddenly and there is no sequel) everyone stuck around to watch the finish a half-hour after class ended.

It's a fun movie, but you should judge for yourself.

From: dimensio@tiac.net [Uncle Prawn]

How about in (in the immortal words of Mary Tyler Moore) it's........"Not Awful"

From: eduardo@bway.net

Just so you know, there are dissenters to this opinion, those who think Kung Fu Cult Master is pretty weak, especially compared to movies like Last Hero in China, Fist of Legend, Fong Sai-Yuk, etc. For my taste, not nearly enough good-looking action sequences (too much sped-up motion and wires).

Anyway, just an alternate view. I saw it once in the theater, and wouldn't recommend it to anyone......

From: jmonroy@menudo.uh.edu

Man, this was a great movie but i want to see part II after the movie left me hanging at the end. True there is a lot of Flying and superhuman type things but an obversant eye will also see the excellance of Jet Li's martial art. After all what is the difference between a movie like this and superman. Both are FICTION!!! But, this movie ROCKS THE BUDAN!!! I still think Once upon a time in china I and II are Jet's best work.

From: edwinyoo@scunix4.harvard.edu

don't tell me..this is the movie with the chicken suit?
No. That film is "Last Hero In China"......same star, same director.

From: makento@aol.com

........i dig kung ful cult master. thought it was better than zu warrior altho the influence is obvious. try "the barefooted kid" w/ Aaron Kwok for a real sleeper.

From: computer.skills@sympatico.ca [unit33]

For a Wong Jing film, it possesses a bit more style than usual but the plot (at least for kwai lo viewers) is almost incomprehensible. Oh well, the action scenes are a lot of fun and Chingmy and Sharla look great. **1/2

From: ianliew@ppp.nasionet.net [Jade Dragon]

A great show, that will forever be ruined in that it was unfinished. In my opinion, if they had already shot most of the show, I think they should complete and release it. The fact that it is not to the taste of Jet Li fans is irrelevant. The story of the Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre calls for extravagant effects, and a standard Jet Li martial arts fest would not be appropriate.

It's weird that the show did badly because they cast Jet Li in the role of Chang Mokei, because if what I've read in the net is true, had they cast anyone else in the role the movie would have succeeded. Critics should realise that actors have to adapt to the movie, and not vice versa. A waste of great story, and we all seriously hope that Wong Ching will reconsider.

From: nullNvoid@webtv.net [Jerry Dilts]

I just recently watched KCFM for the second time, and liked it even better the second time around. I watched it with some people I have introduced to HK films, and they thought it was one of the best I had ever showed them. I agree, the abrupt ending does make you automatically say, "When is part 2? I want to see more!"

Fist of Legend is still my favorite Jet Li film, but KFCM is a strong #2.

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